N-COUNT (通常指出人意料的或在困难环境中)大获成功的人(或事物) Someone or something that is a success story is very successful, often unexpectedly or in spite of unfavourable conditions.
Sock Shop was one of the high-street success stories of the 80s. “袜铺”是 20 世纪 80 年代商业成功的范例之一。
The car has been General Motors 'most visible success story, with sales far exceeding expectations 那种车是通用汽车公司有目共睹最成功的车型,销量远远超过预期。
Sock Shop was one of the high-street success stories of the 80s. “袜铺”是20世纪80年代商业成功的范例之一。
Woolworth is an American success story like few others. 与少数其他企业一样,伍尔沃斯是一个典型的美国成功故事。
I just marked a year and half with my boyfriend ( were an OK Cupid success story). 感情上,我和我的男友已经共同度过了一年半的甜蜜恋爱时光(我和他的故事正是丘比特爱神之箭成功射中的杰作)。
Like many entrepreneurs, Ma's success story started with borrowed capital and a dream. 就很多企业家一样,马云的成功开始于一个风险投资商和一个梦想。
I do think this has been a success story, he said. 我认为这是一个成功的例子,他说。
Let me tell you& it's hard to feel like a success story. 让我告诉你&这很难让人觉得是一个成功故事。
And why have you been such a success story, do you think? 你认为为什么你能成功呢?
Hoel also was able to capture Mauritius as a development success story. Hoel还记录了毛里求斯在发展方面取得的成功。
It is an astonishing success story. 这是一个令人称奇的成功史。
Brazil was a success story, bolstered by successful bids to host the Olympics and World Cup. 巴西是一个成功的例子,成功申请主办奥运会和世界杯起到了提振作用。
How we came to be here, back in1914, is truly an American success story. 我们如何来到这里,早在1914年,是一座真正的美国人的成功故事。
Quite a success story I understand. 据我所知,是一个相当成功的故事。
Microarrays are an early genomic success story& the technology is already being used in the clinic. 微阵列是在基因组学研究早期就取得的一项成功&这项技术已经被用于临床了。
And maybe that's even better than having a single success story once a year. 或许这比每年有一个,成功的故事更好。
Let me draw your attention to a spectacular success story. 让我请你们注意我下面所讲述的一个引人入胜的成功故事。
Yet there was a downside to this success story. 不过,这个成功故事也存在缺点。
That would be a wonderful success story. 这会是一个了不起的成功故事。
The career of Anna Sui is a classic American success story. 安娜苏的事业历程是一个典型的美国成功故事。
Good habits are behind every success story. 每个成功故事的背后都是好习惯。
Costa Rica is a relative success story because during the 20th century its politicians got the big decisions right. 哥斯达黎加相对来说是成功的,因为在20世纪,哥斯达黎加的政治家在重大问题上做出了正确的抉择。
He's going to be short one success story. 他还少了一个成功案例。
In the new environment, coffee production has become an economic driver and success story. 在新环境下,咖啡生产成为经济驱动力和成功宣言。
Let's listen in on one such success story. 让我们倾听其中一个成功的故事。
He is a success story, and I respect him much more as a player. 他就是一个成功的传奇故事,而且我不只是像一个普通球员那样尊敬他。
Because, I think, it is atypical success story. 我想,因为它是典型的成功的例子。
The businessman's success story appeared in all the newspapers. 那位商人的成功史被刊载在所有的报纸上。
Because, I think, it is a typical success story. 我想,其原因在于这是一个非常典型的成功的故事。
I hope the next person's success story I read will be yours. 我希望下一个我读的成功人士的故事将是你的。
Another rags-to-riches success story. Now you can borrow money from him instead of me. 又一个白手起家,发财致富的成功人物。以后你可以向他借钱,不用找我了。